Meet Conor
This is Conor,
Many of your donations have helped this incredible individual and his small group of volunteers.
With your generous help, you have helped us supply them with vehicles, medical supplies, food, generators, even water.
Come and meet Conor this Saturday, 6th August, 6pm at Collingtree Village Hall.
For the past 5 months he has been on the frontline in Ukraine with a very small group of unpaid volunteers providing medical aid to whoever has needed it, both Military and Civilian. They have been shot at, shelled and even driven into a minefield.
They have saved numerous lives, made some amazing friends and very sadly lost some.
He wants to give you the opportunity to come and share his experiences and to see what great things your donations have done.
There will be a short presentation, followed by a casual questions and answers opportunity.
The 3 attached pictures show Conor preparing to collect a casualty from the battlefield in one of the donated vehicles and 2 pictures of the type of challenges they face in their next mission.
The presentation may contain upsetting pictures although warnings will be given prior to them being shown.
Please come and show your support at 6pm Saturday 6th August
Although not necessary, it would help if you could comment below if you intend to drop in and how many you might be.
Thanks Phil, Laura & Cono